John's REI Blog

An online acocunt of my REI business.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Bronchick REI Seminar

Last Saturday my buddy Scott and I attended a one day REI seminar hosted by a local attorney and investor named Bill Bronchick. As a newbie to the REI investing world I found this seminar to be very helpful for some of the basics of getting started - it was entitled "Getting started in Real Estate investing" after all. There was a decent amount of meat in the seminar but, as I am hearing from several bloggers, the real meat is in their wares - what they are selling. I decided to buy 1 of the 2 products that Bill was promoting called "William Bronchick's Real Estate Library". It was a little pricey but I've been reading it for the last 4 days and have to say that it is full of a lot of well organized material that I will use in the next few months as I start to put together a short term cash flow system with distressed owners/properties. I am really excited about flipping properties as a dealer. I will keep you posted as to the progress that I have with flipping and going through Bill's 4 part course. The nice little bonus to this is that if I can flip one property in the next 2 months and net at least $7,000 then I will get the price of the product refunded to me. Bill is also on the board of the local CAREI club and I had attended one of their meetings about 2 months ago and got some great info on fix and flips. I'm not really interested in fixing anything right now except for my bottom line. Continued education is a great thing!


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