John's REI Blog

An online acocunt of my REI business.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

10 months later... a quick update on #3

So the closing for SFH #3 went quite well - unfortunately that was the last thing that would go well for about 8 weeks. I hired a contractor which was a friend of my realtor and seemed to be a competent worker. In the end, I had never yelled so much at anyone on the phone that I have to this incompetent boob. He was so, so horrible and he tried convincing me that he had done a good job for the money that I had paid him. He was cheap, and I got what I paid for. In the end, after 2 months of working on a 2 week job he finished and then my most excellent g-friend and I went in afterward and fixed a lot or crap that was either undone or done wrong. I rented the property to a nice family for $950/mo and they've been great. As of today (Nov 2007), I've only had to repair one thing that the jackass contractor/hack (Vince) screwed up. It cost me $700 to fix the plumbing leak that he created which leaked through a ceiling in the basement. "Very esoteric" as the dumbass used to say. All is well now, the property is stable and is in long term financing. The cashflow on this property is $200/mo.


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